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Rules of the Game




One player starts the game standing inside the server’s square (1`) by bouncing the ball once and hitting it into the opposite square. The ball must be hit with both hands at the same time, fingers down and palms up. The ball must bounce once, and only once, in a square before it is returned. A player, who misses the ball or fouls, must move to the end of the waiting line and allow another student to take their place. All other players move up in rotation--CLOCKWISE. If there are no other students waiting, the person may stay in play. The object of the game is to get another player out and move up to the server’s square.


  1. Hitting the ball more than once prior to its return.
  2. Failing to hit the ball with both hands at the same time.
  3. Failing to hit the ball with open hands, fingers pointed down, with palms up.
  4. Catching or blocking the ball.
  5. Bouncing the ball on a line or out of the court.
  6. Failing to return the ball to another square.
  7. Being hit by the ball.


A player who commits any foul, moves out of the square to the end of the waiting line.


The first person waiting is the judge and decides on close plays, active play.


There will be 8 players to a court (4 teams of two players).

One teammate stands outside the four square area ready to enter. The other is in the court.

After a player in a square strikes the ball, she moves to the outside area, and the teammate enters the court and gets ready to strike the next ball that comes into the respective square.

The rest of the rules are the same as regular four square.




One player, who serves first, is selected. After the first game, the winner serves first. One player stands in each court. The server starts the game by hitting the ball out of his hand. His/her opponent may strike the ball at any time it passes him/her; they must try to hit the ball. As the ball travels, each player tries to hit it in an effort to wind the ball around the pole. The player who first winds the ball completely around the pole wins the game. During the game each player must remain in his/her own playing zone.

  1. Hitting the ball with any part of the body other than the hands or forearms.
  2. Stopping continuous play by holding or catching the ball.
  3. Touching the pole with any part of the ball.
  4. Interfering with the progress of the game by hitting the rope with forearm or hands.
  5. Playing the ball while standing outside of the playing zone.
  6. Stepping on the neutral zone lines.
  7. Throwing the ball


The game is won by the player who first winds the rope completely around the pole or by forfeit because of a foul committed by his/her opponent.


A player who commits any of the fouls listed above forfeits the game to his/her opponent.

Play stops immediately after a foul has been committed.


The next person waiting is the "judge" and decides all close plays.
Maximum --2 games in a row; no exceptions.



Use the hopscotch pattern. Each player has a marker such as a stone, beanbag, bottle cap, shell, button, etc.

The first player stands behind the starting line to toss her or his marker in square 1. Hop over square 1 to square 2, and then continue hopping to the last square, turn around, and hop back again.

Pause in square 2 to pick up the marker, hop in square 1, and out.

Then continue by tossing the stone in square 2. All hopping is done on one foot unless the hopscotch design is such that two squares are side-by-side. Then two feet can be placed down with one in each square.

A player must always hop over any square where a marker has been placed.

A player is out if the marker fails to land in the proper square, the hopper steps on a line, the hopper loses balance when bending over to pick up the marker and puts a second hand or foot down, the hopper goes into a square where a marker is, or if a player puts two feet down in a single box.

The player puts the marker in the square where he or she will resume playing on the next turn, and the next player begins.

Sometimes a dome-shaped "rest area" is added on one end of the hopscotch pattern where the player can rest for a second or two before hopping back through.



Tag may only be played on the field. Students may not chase students who do not wish to play. Tag can only be done with two fingers to the shoulder. Tagging elsewhere does not count and may cause the cancellation of the game. When a person is tired and does not wish to play, they should leave the area.

Catch-One-Catch-All variation of tag: The game is generally played in a large field with at least 10 participants. One person in the group is "it". The first person s/he tags is *also* "it". Now, the two chase the others, and so on, until the last person is caught. The last person caught is "it" for the subsequent round of play. There is no real winner, per se, but there are bragging rights for the last caught.



The goal of the game is to strike (hit or sock) the ball in a downward motion so it bounces on the ground then hits the wall.

Basic Rules

  • 2 people on the court
  • the remaining players gets to serve (winner from previous game)
  • The received must return the ball (no outs on a serve)
  • The ball must bounce before the player hits it.
  • After the player hits the ball it must bounce before it hits the wall
  • The first person in line is the judge if there is a question about a call.
  • A player is out if…
  • Ball doesn’t bounce before hitting the wall
  • Ball doesn’t bounce before the player hits the ball
  • The ball bounces more than once
  • The ball hits the very corner of the wall and ground
  • The ball does bounce inside the lines after it hits the wall
  • The ball is stopped or caught



Everyone playing basketball should be considerate of others. There will be no foul language, pushing, or shoving. It is to be a friendly, non-competitive game. No Score is kept.

Half-court: Only 12 students, divided evenly, can play at one time. If at anytime more than 12 students wish to play basketball the teams will need to divide and play half court. If 12 or less are playing, then you may play full court.

You can’t say, “You can’t play.” If you don’t wish to play ball with a person who chooses to play, then go find something else to do. Even if you were there first. It’s not a private court.

Man to Man Defense ONLY

3 second shot 5 second throw in


  • Double teaming
  • Zone defense
  • Jewelry or open toe shoes on court

You will be off the court for no less than a week for the following offenses:

  • Unsportsman-like conduct
  • Taunting
  • Throwing elbows
  • Fighting, throwing a punch will result in suspension from school
  • Swearing
  • Arguing with the duty teacher
  • Pushing

When the bell rings, the game ENDS.