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Dress Code

Students are expected to dress appropriately. We take pride in the appearance of our students. Our major goal in this dress code is to ensure a safe learning environment where students can fully participate in all aspects of the curriculum. Clothing should not prohibit students from actively and safely participating in indoor and outdoor activities such as physical education. 

Students who are not dressed appropriately may be asked to telephone their parents to have other clothing brought to the school or be sent home to change (Board Policy 5132).

Examples of clothing that may not promote a safe learning environment or allow students to fully participate in all aspects of the curriculum include:

  • Open-toed footwear without heel straps is considered undesirable foot protection for school. "Heelies" (roller shoes) are not allowed. Sneakers/tennis shoes are recommended footwear. Socks are strongly recommended for protection.
  • Dresses and shorts that are less than fingertip length as the arms and fingers extend down along one's sides are not recommended.
  • Garments where the torso or midriff is exposed such as tube tops, half shirts, halters, or see-through clothing, or strapless attire are not allowed.  Tank tops with 2 in. shoulder straps are recommended.
  • Hats and hoods must be removed when indoors.  Hats and hoods may be worn outside for sun protection. 
  • Sunglasses are only permitted if the student has a documented medical condition that requires them.
  • No clothing identifiable to gangs such as bandanas, specific color schemes, etc. is to be worn to school.
  • Clothing or materials which refer to or show drugs, obscene words, graphic pictures, weapons, drugs or other age inappropriate content.
  • Saggy or tight pants that limit participation in school activities are not allow.
  • Clothing that exposes undergarments is not allowed.