Policies and Rules
General Rules and Policies
Please call the school at 377- 3321 ext.102 on the first day of your child's absence. Students are responsible for the missed work. Parents may contact the school and make arrangements to obtain homework. Please contact the school before noon for homework to be picked up at dismissal time.
Arrival Times
There is NO supervision prior to 8:05am, so please remember to wait in front of the school until the gates open. You are required to wait with your student until the gates open and there is supervision.
Any student who arrives to class after 8:15 A.M. will be marked tardy. It is important that your child be on time to school every day. Tardiness results in a child missing necessary instruction, the interruption of the class and poor training of the pupil about the value of time and punctuality. Please sign in at the office before going to the classroom when you are late. Chronic tardiness will result in a referral to the principal and can be deemed truancy.
After School - Dismissal
All parents waiting for students to be dismissed must wait outside the gates in the front of the school. To keep our students safe, adults may not enter the school for any reason without signing in at the office. Please be considerate of the teacher’s need to wrap up the day effectively, and do not disturb the class.
Upon dismissal, your child is expected to leave the campus. It is the parent’s responsibility to provide for a timely departure. Families who have siblings in both primary and upper grades are NOT allowed to use the playgrounds while waiting for the upper-grade dismissal time for safety reasons and ultimately protecting the integrity of the instructional time for all students. There are many classes and programs still in session until 3:30. Please be considerate of their need for a quiet work environment and do not allow your child to play in the front or in the back of the school.
If we request that your child stay after school for any reason, you will be contacted by telephone. According to state law school personnel may detain children up to one hour after school for assistance, to make up time due to tardiness, or for behavioral reasons, providing the parents are notified. Parents are responsible for arranging transportation home for their child in the event of this action.
Students left unsupervised may be reported to authorities as needed. Extended daycare is available on our site. Registration is available through our district website. Unsupervised students are escorted to the office where parents and emergency contacts will be contacted.
Independent Study
It is in your child's best interest to plan vacations while school is not in session. If your child must be absent from school for reasons other than illness, he/she may receive Independent Study credits. Contracts will be granted only when you contact the school office in advance of the absence giving the teacher time to get together the work. While this is no substitute for regular classroom instruction, it will help your child stay current with his/her class.
Medical & Dental Appointments
Please make appointments before or after school hours. If this is not possible and your child must be released from school, please send a note or email to the teacher and inform them of the time that your child will be picked up. Parents/guardians must come to the office to sign the student out before being released from school. At that time, the office will call the student out from class to minimize the amount of lost instructional time. Please account for the time it will take for your child to come down to the office. The incidence and severity of illness is greatly reduced when we work together and follow a few guidelines.
- Parents of a child showing signs of illness or infection will be contacted. Please keep your emergency cards up to date for this reason.
- Students put on medication for an infection should not return to school for at least 24 hours.
- Medication (including cough drops, aspirin, etc.) cannot be administered at school unless the doctor completes a medication form. Forms are available in the office.
- Most medication can be timed so that the parent can give it at home. All medication must be kept in the office.
- Students who are vomiting or running a temperature of more than 100 should be kept home.
- Students with an unexplained rash should be kept home, and the doctor should be contacted
- The school should be notified of any communicable illness so that notes can be sent to classmates (strep throat, chicken pox, lice).
Student Sign Out
Students can only be released to a parent, legal guardian or someone listed on the emergency card. Release to persons other than the above-mentioned may be made with written permission of parents or legal guardians. Anyone taking a child out of school during school hours must sign them out in the office.
Staying After School
If it is necessary for your child to stay after school for any reason, you will be contacted by telephone. According to state law school, personnel may detain children up to one hour after school for assistance, to make up time due to tardiness, for behavioral reasons, etc., providing the parents are notified. Parents are responsible for arranging transportation home for their child.
Visitors and Volunteers
All visitors and volunteers must check in at the office, regardless of their purpose for being on campus. This is for the protection of our students and to avoid unnecessary interruptions in the classrooms. Do not bring lunches or forgotten homework directly to classrooms. Drop them off at the school office.
Bicycle, Scooter & Skateboard Rules
Students in grades 3-5 who ride bicycles, scooters & skateboards to school should know and obey all traffic rules to and from school. Students must wear helmets. Students are not permitted to ride bicycles, scooters, and/or skateboards on school grounds. Bicycles must be locked and parked in the bicycle rack. The school is not responsible for any damage to or loss of bicycles, scooters or skateboards.
Change of Address / Telephone
Please notify the office immediately of any change in your address, home or work telephone numbers. We would also appreciate being informed if the names and phone numbers of your emergency card contacts change. This includes the names of child care providers.
Lost & Found
Lost articles are displayed in the Lost & Found rack outside of the cafeteria. Please label all clothing and lunches to prevent losses.
Office Hours
On school days, the office is open from 7:30 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. Our telephone number is 408-377-3321. Our fax number is 408-377-7237. During the hours school is not in session, messages may be left on the answering system.